Australian Embassy and Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna
Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia

Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources: Guidance on the Management of Disused Radioactive Sources

IAEA Board of Governors: 11 September 2017

Statement by Dr Kath Smith, Alternate Resident Representative to the IAEA

Item 3c: Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources:

Guidance on the Management of Disused Radioactive Sources



Thank you Chair,

Australia understands that when properly managed, radioactive sources provide significant benefits to people, society and the environment.

We also note that – in order to prevent risks to safety and security – these sources need to be properly managed throughout their entire lifetimes.

For that reason, Australia is proud to have led in the development of both:


  • the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources; and
  • the Supplementary Guidance on the Import and Export of Radioactive Sources.


And we’re pleased to note that 134 States have now made a political commitment to the Code, with 106 of those States also having committed to the Supplementary Guidance.

Australia has also supported the current development of guidance on the management of disused sources.

Disused sources have constituted the great majority of sources involved in accidents in past decades. 



Australia supported the draft guidance on disused sources in the form tabled ahead of the March Board of Governors meeting.

But we have also understood – as you yourself have often pointed out – that it is important to achieve consensus when approving Agency guidance as the best way to ensure effective and universal implementation.

In this regard Australia has participated actively in the informal discussions led by Ambassador Grossi leading to consideration of this current text.

So I would like to take this opportunity recognise Ambassador Grossi’s energetic and constructive role in working with interested parties since March this year to develop a revised text acceptable to all parties.



Australia has reviewed the revised guidance on disused sources. We find it acceptable and are gratified it has been approved by the Board. In that context, we stand ready to implement it.


Thank you.