Australian Embassy and Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna
Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia

Agenda Item 8 (e): Implementation of the NPT safeguards agreement in the Syrian Arab Republic

IAEA Board of Governors: 8 June 2016

Statement by Mr David Lewis, Alternate Permanent Representative to the IAEA

Agenda Item 8 (e): Implementation of the NPT safeguards agreement in the Syrian Arab Republic


Thank you, Chair.


The Australian delegation thanks the Director General for his update on the implementation of safeguards in the Syrian Arab Republic. 


Mr Chair,


We continue to urge the Syrian Government to implement the Resolution adopted by the Board on 9 June 2011 – five years ago tomorrow.  The on-going conflict in Syria highlights all the more the need for Syria to cooperate with the Agency to address international nuclear proliferation concerns.


Australia emphasises the need for progress in regard to Syria’s undertaking in May 2011 to conduct discussions with the Agency to resolve the outstanding safeguards issues.  We reiterate our call on Syria to cooperate fully with the Agency in clarifying matters related to the Dair Alzour site and other locations.


We continue to urge Syria to bring into force an Additional Protocol, which would further facilitate the Agency’s ability to verify the correctness and completeness of Syria’s declarations.


Mr Chair,


Australia requests the implementation of safeguards in Syria be retained on the Board’s agenda, and that the Director General continue to report to the Board on this matter as appropriate.


Thank you Mr Chair.