Australian Embassy and Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna
Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia

Agenda Item 3: Strengthening of the Agency's technical cooperation activities: Technical Cooperation Report for 2022

IAEA Board of Governors

Agenda Item 3: Strengthening of the Agency's technical cooperation activities: Technical Cooperation Report for 2022

5 June 2023

Statement by Ms Marina Francis, Alternate Resident Representative of Australia to the IAEA


Thank you, Chair.

Australia places a high priority on the Agency having a Technical Cooperation Programme that runs efficiently and effectively, is sustainably resourced, and is responsive to the priorities of all Member States – particularly Least Developed Countries and Small Island States. We note the high rate of attainment of payments to the TCF in 2022, at 97.5 per cent, and wish to commend all Member States who paid their assessed target share of the TCF in full and on time. This ensures sufficient, assured and predictable funding for the TC Programme.


The Technical Cooperation Report for 2022 demonstrates the essential role nuclear science and technology plays in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Through Australia’s delivery of a virtual education program to the University of the South Pacific, we have made progress in promoting the important role of nuclear science and technology in the Pacific, in areas such as agriculture, oceans and human health. We remain committed to supporting sustainable development in the Pacific through continued knowledge-sharing, and capability-building initiatives.


Gender equity is essential for achieving comprehensive and sustainable development, and we commend the IAEA's ongoing efforts to promote gender equity within Technical Cooperation projects. I am pleased to say Australia, through ANSTO, delivered the third training course on Supporting Women for Nuclear Science Education and Communications (W4NSEC) last year. This brought together teaching and communication professionals from four regions to learn how to develop national programs to support education and outreach in nuclear science and technology. We hope that this program will continue to attract young women professionals to take up careers in nuclear.


In addition to our comments on the report, I would like to note that Australia recently chaired the 45th National Representative’s Meeting of the Regional Cooperative Agreement for Asia and the Pacific [otherwise known as the RCA].

The RCA meeting in Sydney provided a valuable platform for strengthening regional cooperation in the peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology to deliver lasting benefits.

Australia had the honour of transitioning into the RCA Chair, from former Chair Viet Nam. I take this opportunity to thank Viet Nam for their excellent leadership of the RCA throughout 2022.


Australia was particularly honoured to host Deputy Director General Hua Liu at the RCA meeting. DDG Liu’s visit provided an opportunity to reaffirm Australia’s commitment to the Technical Cooperation Programme and explore areas for further cooperation.

We were also honoured to host Deputy Director General Najat Mokhtar in Australia, during which we showcased our strong nuclear science and technology expertise, and our contributions to key IAEA initiatives. We look forward to continuing discussions on new collaboration areas between the IAEA and Australia, including on Rays of Hope.

With these remarks, we take note of the Technical Cooperation Report for 2022.

Thank you, Chair.