Australian Embassy and Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna
Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia

Agenda Item 4: Programme and Budget

IAEA Board of Governors Meeting

Statement by HE Dr Brendon Hammer, Resident Representative of Australia to the IAEA

Agenda Item 4: Programme and Budget

5 June 2018



Thank you, Chair.

Australia welcomes the Agency’s Draft Budget Update for 2019, which will enable the Agency to continue to carry out its important program of work.

We thank the Chair for overseeing the budget process, as well as the constructive and supportive role played by the Department of Management led by Ms Hayward.

We continue to appreciate the Agency’s efforts to seek savings and efficiencies while effectively delivering its functions. We are particularly pleased that despite rising costs, all activities approved last year by the Board will be preserved, especially in the crucial area of safeguards, and that the balance struck among Major Programs will be retained.



Australia remains aware of the Agency’s need for sufficient resources to meet growing global demands including those arising due to increasing global uptake and application of nuclear technology for civil purposes. We know that these pressures will grow over time.

Given the fiscal discipline required to meet these growing demands, it remains most important that all Member States pay their assessed contributions on time and in full.



I would, in closing, like to register that Australia does have some concerns in relation to the findings of both the Program Evaluation Report and of the Internal Audit Activity Report provided by the Office of Internal Oversight Services.

While we appreciate the Agency’s proactive stance toward addressing these concerns, we will continue to look to the Secretariat to provide updates on its progress in addressing the recommendations set out in those reports.


Thank you.