Australian Embassy and Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna
Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia

Agenda Item 2: The Annual Report for 2021

IAEA Board of Governors Meeting

Agenda Item 2: The Annual Report for 2021

6 June 2022


MIKTA Joint Statement

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

I have the honour to make this statement on behalf of MIKTA countries—Mexico, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Türkiye and Australia.

Mr. Chairman, I have three points to underline:

First, MIKTA countries would like to thank the Secretariat for the preparation of the Annual Report for 2021. We compliment the Agency regarding all its work in the areas of nuclear safety, security and technical cooperation, despite difficulties caused by the pandemic in 2021. We also appreciate that the Agency continued to carry out its activities under relevant safeguards agreements (quoting) “without stopping for a single minute.” We reiterate our willingness to further support the work of the IAEA in the future. We encourage the Secretariat to continue utilizing innovative solutions to carry out all the core functions of the Agency, while enhancing the efficiency in its activities.  

Second, Mr. Chairman, MIKTA countries acknowledge the efforts of the Agency in addressing new challenges including the emergence of new zoonotic diseases, severe impacts of climate change and plastic pollution. We believe, the Agency’s efforts to tackle these problems are timely and demonstrate the relevance of nuclear technologies to addressing global challenges.

Third, Mr. Chairman, MIKTA countries commends the Director General and the Secretariat in their endeavours to enhance gender equality in the Agency. We welcome the success of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme, which aims to increase the number of young women studying in nuclear related fields.

Lastly, Mr. Chairman, let me express our gratitude and appreciation to you in successfully conducting the Board of Governors meeting. We wish you all the success.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.