Australian Embassy and Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna
Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia

Agenda Item 3: Strengthening the Agency's Technical Cooperation Activities - Technical Cooperation Report for 2021

IAEA Board of Governors Meeting

Agenda Item 3: Strengthening the Agency's Technical Cooperation Activities - Technical Cooperation Report for 2021

6 June 2022


Thank you Chair.

Australia thanks the Director General for the draft Technical Cooperation Report for 2021, and thanks Deputy Director General Hua for his introductory comments on this agenda item.


Australia remains fully committed to, and supportive of, the implementation of the Technical Cooperation program. We appreciate the continued efforts being made by the Agency in facilitating capacity building and the provision of critical infrastructure.


Australia continues to stress the importance of secure and predictable funding for the Agency’s Technical Cooperation program, as it is imperative for its success. Australia notes that payments to the TCF in 2021 totalled EUR 85.3 million, representing over 95 per cent of the target set for the year. This is a significant improvement on last year’s performance.

Australia has always paid its assessed target share of the Technical Cooperation Fund in full and on time, and we call on all Member States in a position to do so, to do likewise.

Australia is also pleased to have provided AUD 3.925 million in extrabudgetary funding to the Agency this year – with a significant portion dedicated to the Technical Cooperation program.


Regional programs continue to be highly effective at delivering lasting impact and benefits. In Asia and the Pacific, Australia is an active contributor to the Regional Co-operative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology (RCA), which celebrated its 50th anniversary this calendar year.

‘Food and Agriculture’ and ‘Health and Nutrition’ continue to be the most significant themes addressed by the Technical Cooperation Program within our region. An increased focus on ‘Water and the Environment’ in 2021 demonstrated the high priority being placed on securing sustainable, long-term, clean water resources throughout the region, as envisaged by Sustainable Development Goals 6 and 12.


The continuing increase in the participation of women in Technical Cooperation program activities is critical and the report has highlighted some encouraging outcomes. In 2021, the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) was proud to partner with the IAEA to deliver our second training course on ‘Supporting Women for Nuclear Science Education and Communications (W4NSEC)’ to 45 women educators in Asia and the Pacific. This is part of a continuing education program for female teachers and science communication professionals in the region. We look forward to delivering an additional training course this calendar year.

Finally Chair,

We note the Technical Cooperation Report, in section C.2.3, states that agreement has been reached to establish an RCA Scholarship Programme in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, to be launched in 2022. At the 43rd RCA National Representatives Meeting in April 2022, RCA member states requested that a feasibility study of the proposed scholarship programme be conducted, and that a report be presented to the 51st RCA General Conference Meeting this coming September for consideration and decision. We would therefore request the Report be adjusted to reflect this and state that:

‘RCA State Parties agreed to undertake an in-depth feasibility study of the RCA Scholarship Programme, to scope the benefits the programme could bring to strengthening human resources and achieving sustainable development in the region’.

We would also like to take this opportunity to highlight the same issue in the Annual Report for 2021 and request this also reflect that the Scholarship Programme was approved as a concept, subject to scoping and feasibility assessments.

Australia was pleased to provide the funding to support the feasibility study of the potential scholarship program and we remain committed to supporting the RCA and its activities.


We take note of the Technical Cooperation Report for 2021 and its Supplement, and request that they be transmitted to the General Conference subject to Australia’s proposed revisions being accepted and included.

Thank you.