Australian Embassy and Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna
Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia

Agenda Item 8(c): NPT Safeguards Agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran

IAEA Board of Governors Meeting

Agenda Item 8(c): NPT Safeguards Agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran

14 September 2022


Thank you Chair

Australia is deeply concerned by the Islamic Republic of Iran’s continued failure to resolve outstanding safeguards issues, as outlined once again in GOV/2022/42.

We call on Iran to cooperate fully and in good faith with the Agency to resolve these issues and explain in a technically credible manner the presence of uranium particles of anthropogenic origin at three undeclared locations, Turquzabad, Varamin and Marivan.


We are troubled by Iran’s reticence in the face of extensive efforts by the Director General and Secretariat, and in defiance of the calls of this Board as contained in resolution GOV/2022/34 adopted at our last meeting.

The persistent nature of this situation suggests that Iran has no intention of providing full explanations for its failure to comply with its safeguards obligations. This is unacceptable.


We draw attention to the Director General’s statement that Iran cannot unilaterally suspend implementation of modified Code 3.1 and call on Iran to address this matter without further delay.


Strict adherence to IAEA safeguards obligations is crucial to the integrity of the global nuclear non-proliferation architecture. As such, Iran’s inaction cannot be tolerated.  This is why we joined, with many other States, the Joint Statement on NPT Safeguards Agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran delivered by the Germany today.

Australia is grateful for the tireless and impartial efforts of the Director General and the Secretariat to provide assurances of the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program.

We welcome the Director General’s commitment to keep the Board appraised of developments and request that GOV/2022/42 be made public.